688: Breaking the Cycle: Understanding How Living on Autopilot Fuels Anxiety

This week on the Anxiety Slayer podcast, we're exploring the connection between living life on autopilot and the rise of anxiety.

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Points discussed in this episode:

Living on autopilot

Have you ever found yourself going through the motions, not fully present in the moment? That's autopilot mode—a state where we operate mechanically, without conscious thought or awareness. It's like being on cruise control, coasting through life without truly engaging with our experiences.

Living on autopilot disconnects us from our choices and robs us of the richness of life. We become passive observers rather than active participants, and this disconnection can fuel feelings of anxiety and unease.

But why does living on autopilot contribute to anxiety? It's about the power of choice. Our ability to make conscious choices empowers us and gives us a sense of control over our lives. When we're stuck in autopilot mode, we relinquish that control, leaving us feeling powerless and anxious. 

We might also be asleep at the wheel and adding to our stress and anxiety without realizing it.

Watching and changing

Dr. Joe Dispenza, a renowned neuroscientist and author of “Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself”, once said, "Changeis the end result of all true learning." This quote beautifully encapsulates the importance of embracing change in breaking free from autopilot living. Change can be daunting, especially when we're accustomed to familiar routines and patterns. But it's through change that we break free from the shackles of autopilot and open ourselves up to new possibilities.

Our brains play a crucial role in this process. Neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganize and form new neural connections, which offers hope for those seeking to break free from autopilot patterns. By engaging in mindful practices and intentionally making different choices, we can rewire our brains and cultivate new habits that serve our well-being.

Ayurveda recommends self-observation as a practice, checking in and reflecting on our choices in all areas of our life. This can be especially helpful with guidance - talks with a trusted friend, or professional support in exploring our patterns, choices and aspirations.

How does this relate to calming anxiety?

So, how can we start breaking free from autopilot living and reducing anxiety? It begins with mindfulness—bringing awareness to our thoughts, feelings, and actions in the present moment. By practicing mindfulness, we create space to make conscious choices and break free from autopilot behaviors.

Making choices that support our peace of mind also protect us from rushing into actions that are going to cause more stress or strain on our nerves. 

It’s a long-term investment in self-care that gives us room to learn and adjust. And, though it’s long-term, that doesn’t mean we don’t notice the benefits soon, after a few weeks of practice we’ll start noticing we’re using better coping strategies and our perspective has shifted.

We can also embrace change by stepping outside of our comfort zones and challenging ourselves to try new things. Whether it's taking a different route to work or trying a new hobby, embracing change can help us break free from autopilot patterns and cultivate a sense of adventure and excitement in our lives.

Julia Cameron, author of “The Right to Write”, shares the story of her friend Richard who swims every day and then sits and writes in his notebook. He describes how he “acts his way into right thinking” even if he doesn’t want to swim or write that day he does it anyway because he knows he’ll feel better for it.

It’s the same with meditation, walking, so many things that we know benefit us but the mind is obstructive and we have to make a choice to recommit over and over again.

Summary of Tips for Breaking Autopilot Patterns and Cultivating Awareness:

Watching our thoughts and emotions as a detached observer.

Pause. Take a moment to ask does this choice serve me well before responding to different situations. Slow down and take a breath.

Looking closely at our choices in all areas: nutrition, social life, creativity. Knowing where we connect and where we feel nourished.

You can break free from autopilot patterns and cultivate a greater sense of presence and fulfillment in your life. It takes practice and commitment but it’s worth every conscious choice.

If you want to find freedom from negative thoughts we invite you to explore How to Calm Your Fragile Mind at AnxietySlayerAcademy.com. Get 30% off with the coupon code: spring