How to avoid feeding anxiety by doing nothing!


We live in a world where we feel we always have to be saying or doing something. It’s hard for us to pause and rest and wait things out, but often that’s exactly what we need to do.

When we feel we have to fix something and we push forward and take poorly thought out action we usually add to our stress and anxiety.

Some things can't be fixed, and we find ourselves in the challenging situation of living with uncertainty.




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Some points covered in this episode:

Learning the Serenity Prayer can help:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;

the courage to change the things I can;

and the wisdom to know the difference.

The power of self-care during difficult times

"When fishermen can't go to sea they repair their nets."

Ralph Blum - The Book of Runes


In challenging times we are often best served by resting and taking good care of ourselves.

Self-care also supports the things we can change

If something can be fixed, we aren't going to do it well when our minds are spinning and our nerves are rattled. That's just going to waste our energy and possibly make things worse.

We cope much better with everything when we take care of ourselves.

Trust that you can take action when you need to

Rapid action has its place and you will know when to use it. If you see an accident you will take fast action.

If a friend calls who needs help in a serious situation you will help.

But if you find yourself sitting still with adrenaline coursing through your veins and your mind overthinking trying to get through something, the best thing to do is often nothing. (Unless it's make a cup of tea or go for a walk!)

What we really need is to get some peace in our mind. And that's where saying and doing nothing is a great response.

Take a deep breath and count to ten

We've heard it so many times, but can we practice it?

Just take a deep breath and keep quiet.

Ananga: I’m amazed at how powerful this is when I remember to do it, and what chaos I can create for myself and others when I don’t!

3 Things that can help you grow some rest time

Get grounded

Spend quiet time in nature, baking, walking, colouring, listen to a gentle audio book and doodle.

Practice hearing others

True listening requires being very present, aware, and mindful of what the other person is saying. Most conversations are just a pause between what was said before and what we want to say when the person is done.

Listening carefully to others can greatly improve our relationship with them. It helps us empathise and makes us less reactive and more responsive.

When we speak less, others will hear us more. Filtering our speech saves us energy and those around us too.


Benjamin Franklin said: "Avoid trifling conversation. Only speak what can benefit yourself and others."

Try active reading

Choose a book you feel may be helpfu, or inspiring, l to you.

Some titles we are currently reading:  The Daily Stoic, Spiritual Emerson, and Bhagavad-gita As-It-Is.





Try reading attentively and ask yourself questions as you read:

What is this passage saying to me?

How can I apply this to my life?


Practice daily times of rest, calm and quiet, even if it’s just for a few minutes each day.

Recommended Course:

How to Calm Your Fragile Mind

How to Calm Your Fragile Mind will show you how to develop a state of detached awareness where you can learn to witness your thoughts coming and going without causing you emotional pain.


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