658: Ayurveda for Your Health and Wellbeing - Part 1

This week on the Anxiety Slayer Podcast, we’re talking about Ayurveda for your health and wellbeing as a lead into our brand new course, 7 Keys to Calming Anxiety with Ayurveda available on September 6th.



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Notes from this week’s episode:

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the ancient science of life. Although the name might sound unfamiliar, the teachings of Ayurveda soon feel comfortable and intuitive as you start to learn more about your individual nature and how and why certain foods, environments, habits and seasons make you feel better or worse.

A natural system of healing for body and mind

The Charaka Samhita is considered one of the oldest and the most important writings on Ayurveda, states:

"The body and that which is called the mind are both considered to be abodes of disease, and likewise of well-being. The cause of well-being is their harmonious interaction."

Ayurveda always sees the mind and body as interwoven and inseparable, any challenge with our health involves both our body and our mind.

There is no “good or bad” body type. Everyone has a unique nature with its strengths and abilities. When out of balance, we all experience challenges in physical and mental health related to our constitution, or dosha. Ayurveda teaches us how to turn towards balance with our lifestyle, diet, and natural remedies.

“We have to follow the law of nature.” Dr. Vasant Lad

To follow the laws of nature, we have to know them, and understand how they apply to us.

Beginning with understanding the 5 elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether and how they combine in us and everything around us.

The Five Elements

Ayurveda recognizes the five elements (Pancha Mahabhutas) - earth, water, fire, air and ether.

The 5 elements form our body type, our mind type, our food, climate, and our environment. Everything is made from varying combinations of the 5 elements.

These elements combine to form three primary energies or doshas: Vata (space and air), Pitta (fire and water), and Kapha(water and earth). Understanding the interplay of these elements and doshas is the core teaching of Ayurveda.

The 3 Doshas

The three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, are the biological energies or forces that govern the body and mind. Each person has a unique combination of doshas, known as their Prakriti or constitution.

Vata is formed from air and ether

Pitta is formed from fire and water

Kapha is formed from water and earth

Vata is the energy movement

Pitta is the energy of metabolism, or transformation

And Kapha is the energy of structure, it’s the framework and glue that holds things together.

The Tridosha theory of Ayurveda states that health is maintained when the three doshas are in a state of balance, and disease occurs when there is an imbalance. Ayurveda aims to identify the doshic imbalances and restore balance through various treatments and lifestyle adjustments.

A return to natural living

We are living so far from the laws of nature that we get sick, and we don't know why, it comes as a shock to us because our intuition gets buried under pushing through.

The 3 doshas that form our individual make up carry the principles of the elements that form our universe and the world around us.

We are made of the elements of nature. Once we understand this, we can start learning about the habits, practices, and foods that best support our mental and physical health.

We all have the 5 elements within us. We all have some fire, air, water, earth and ether, but we each have them in varying proportions and that’s what creates our unique doshic make up, or constitution.

Ayurveda is about nourishment on all levels so that we can be well so that we have energy and peace of mind to look into the deeper meaning of life.

In our new course 7 Keys to Calming Anxiety with Ayurveda you can learn more about supporting your individual nature, nutrition to calm your nerves, and follow along with our guided practices for peace of mind.  Get the new course on September 6th at AnxietySlayer.Teachable.com