479: Two Anxiety Relief Practices to help you feel more calm and relaxed in 2020


Listen in for two of our favorite anxiety relief practices to help you feel more calm and relaxed in 2020.

Today's Anxiety Slayer podcast is brought to you by New Beginnings: Daily Steps for Self-Acceptance and Peace of Mind

If you want to wake up each day feeling good about yourself. Energized. Happy. Peaceful. If you want to shed the layers of protective armor wrapped around your heart, this supportive course offering is for you. 

Join us on this journey of deep self-care work; lighten your load, calm your anxiety and lift your spirits.

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Points covered in this podcast:

Journaling for clarity and peace of mind

We both practice journaling for clarity and peace of mind. Today we’re sharing two very beneficial results that arise from journaling that can helps you move through anxiety: deepening self-compassion and moving to take action.

Journaling helps us explore our very personal experience of anxiety and allows us to make a choice about how we can respond with self-understanding and taking small daily steps toward feeling more peaceful and grounded.

Self-compassion helps us find the sense in why we are suffering.

Instead of being hard on ourselves, we can look into our anxiety and say “this makes sense to me, I can see why this affects me so strongly.”

Healing begins when we can move from understanding to taking action.

After journaling, the following questions can help you move toward self-supporting action:

  • What can I do now with this new understanding to support myself?

  • What steps can I take to make this a bit easier for myself?

Healing is learning, it’s taking baby steps and falling and getting up again. Anxiety only increases when we think we’re broken and we need to be fixed. That black and white thinking only hurts us more.


EFT Tapping

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, now popularly known as Tapping because the technique involves tapping on a sequence of meridian points.

These points have been researched and selected for their effectiveness in helping us calm stress and anxiety, overcome trauma, find freedom from phobias and release unwanted thoughts.

EFT combines tapping on these meridian points with the use of language to tune in to what we are experiencing and wish to release. This is where learning EFT Tapping thoroughly is worth a little effort.

Tapping is so easy to learn that anyone over the age of 5 can do it. But mastering EFT and getting to know it well takes a little longer and the help of someone experienced.

Tapping has helped thousands of people overcome PTSD, negative core beliefs, phobia, fear of driving, flying and so much more. It works and we get letters every week from people saying how glad they are they tried Tapping for their anxiety.

If you haven’t tried it yet, here’s how you can get started.

Get our Tapping points diagram here.

Try Tapping along with the guided session in our free Anxiety Slayer Starter Course.

Or take a look at our more in-depth course on EFT Tapping for Anxiety Relief.

And if you have tried Tapping, but didn’t get the results you hoped for, we recommend trying again. Don’t give up.


Here are a couple of reasons newcomers to Tapping don’t always get good results:

Not Tapping for long enough Try Tapping again for your chosen issue, but keep Tapping for 5-10 minutes.

Not being focused enough Tapping works best when tuned in to one thing at a time. Pick one thing, and write it down. For example: “Even thought I feel stuck with this anxiety.” Note down on your piece of paper how true that is for you out of 10. For example, if it feels 100% true right now write down the number 10 if it feels partially true write down 5 or 6. 

Try Tapping for that one thought or concern for at least 5 minutes.

When you’ve finished your Tapping session check in with yourself and look back to your piece of paper and review how you feel now. Write down the number that represents how you feel now. If the number reduced at all, that’s a success. Continued Tapping will reduce the number again.

For a deeper exploration of journaling and EFT Tapping combined for calming anxiety and freeing your mind, we invite you to take a look at our our New Beginnings Course which is currently on sale at 30% off with the coupon code: newyear

Thanks for listening to Anxiety Slayer. Wishing you all the best in the days ahead! Shann & Ananga

Anxiety Slayer