Best of Anxiety Slayer 2014

2014 has been a great year for Anxiety Slayer. We released four new anxiety relief collections to iTunes and Amazon, two new audio support packs and streamlined and updated our Slayer Store.

We are delighted to have won 3 awards in recognition of our blog and podcast and are grateful to you our listeners and readers for your support, hanging out with us on our Facebook page and sending us your questions and messages.

As the year draws to a close we would like to share the most popular posts and podcasts on Anxiety Slayer in 2014


FLICKR image credit: adedip

3 Anxiety Breathing Techniques You Can Practice Anywhere

Anxiety relief breathing that can help you feel calmer every time you practice. And the beauty of these techniques is that nobody else will know you're doing it, unless of course you decide to share because you just discovered that controlling your breath really does help you reign in your mind, slow your heart rate, calm racing thoughts, and feel generally more at ease. 

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FLICKR image by Meredith_FarmerDissociation and Anxiety: How to Get Back in Touch When Anxiety Leaves You Feeling Disconnected

Dissociation is that awful feeling of disconnection that often occurs with anxiety. It's the feeling of not being in touch with your surroundings or the people around you. We all dissociate sometimes when we zone out and retreat into "another world".

We do it when we daydream, and we do it during intense periods of creativity. But dissociation becomes a problem when we feel uncomfortably out of touch.

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FLICKR image by aba*boy

When Anxiety Causes Random Pain

Anxiety feels bad enough without the additional stress of random pains, which can at times be really severe. No-one likes pain and when you're already anxious and possibly prone to worrying over your health, random pain can easily increase your anxiety.

It's easy to get caught in a loop of pain and panic. You know the pains are real, you can feel that sometimes they are really sudden and intense, but the chances are that doctors and medical tests won't find anything solid to act upon.

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The Most Listened to Anxiety Slayer Podcasts of 2014

 Coping Skills for Anxiety Attacks

 How does EFT Tapping Work? And How can it Help My Anxiety?

The Most Popular Support Packs in the Anxiety Slayer Store

EFT for Anxiety Relief

How to Calm Your Fragile Mind

The Quick Anxiety Stopper


