682: Pushing back when anxiety makes your life feel small

In this episode, we’re talking about the different ways anxiety can shrink our lives, and how to push back and regain ground.


Points covered in this episode:

The things that make our lives small that we don’t associate with being anxious

Some examples of how anxiety can creep in and shrink our sense of self-worth:

Feeling vulnerable, or transparent, thinking everyone can see inside our head, or see what we’re struggling with.

Feeling judged by whoever we’re with. Or feeling the need to over explain ourselves.

Feeling nervous about speaking up for ourself.

Worrying that we’ll look stupid.

Feeling pressure to achieve and be seen to be OK.

And being harsh with ourselves if we can’t achieve what we feel we should.

What helps?

Getting grounded and working on building our personal peace and self-trust. Then giving careful thought to the responses of others. Kind people don’t judge, or consider others stupid. Make room to relax with those you can trust and see where you can distance yourself or put boundaries in place with those who increase your anxiety.

Considering realistic expectations, both from others, and from ourself. Supporting ourselves in knowing when we’ve given our best and when it’s time to rest.

Seeing where we can reclaim space

By setting healthy boundaries. (How we respond to the expectations of others tells them how much they can push us.)

Lifestyle changes

Get up early and make choices to care for your mind and body

Gifts we give ourselves - meditation, journaling, listening to podcasts, walking, etc.

Don’t be defined by anxiety

It’s easy to be defined by our struggles. But when we focus on our strengths, and developing our natural abilities, we can push back against anxiety and regain space.

Journaling Prompts

Take a few moments with a pen and paper to reflect on the following:

What are you naturally good at?

What are three things you love to do?

What brings you peace of mind?

What consistently makes you smile?

Keep that paper somewhere where you can refer to it daily.

Start looking at where anxiety is shrinking your space and stealing your joy, and choose to make small steps to express your natural abilities and actively invite what brings you peace of mind into each day.

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