When Fear Invades Your Thinking: Trust Yourself

photo by aithom2

Several members of the anxiety slayer community have been feeling anxious about job security, the economy, and staying afloat. This palpable fear and sense of being out of control can be painfully destructive if left unchecked.

If you are feeling out-of-sorts, you are not alone. I've recently experienced heightened fearful emotions too. Thankfully, I know how to gently face self-limiting beliefs and you can too. Fear-based thinking needs to be met with fierce action. 

The last time I was overcome with blinding fear,  I created a sacred space, got quiet and asked my higher power to help me get back on the path of peaceful liberation. The divine download I wrote in my journal was loving, supportive and meant to be shared with you today.



Trust Yourself

Believe in yourself. You already know what to do.

You are poised for so much greatness.

I see that you are suffering not knowing what will be. Yet, I trust you to be patient as everything unfolds before you. You will not suffer this dark night for much longer.

You must trust yourself and trust those who love you.

Your current lack of focus and fear-based thinking is partly due to

the mind-blowing changes happening in the Universe. As a torch carrier you feel

the weight of transformative energy swirling around you.

You retreat to stay safe. There is no need to retreat. You are safe.

You must stay strong and have faith in yourself. You must keep moving in the direction of your dreams.

    * When you are tired rest.

    * When you are frazzled, smile.

    * When you feel lost and out of sorts, pray.



You are here for a purpose. Your abundant light promises healing energy to all that are attracted to you.

Your family and friends support you.

Your partners support you.

Your professional path supports you.

Trust the process. Trust yourself.

You are exactly where you need to be in this moment.

Breathe in this inner-knowing and surrender.

You are loved.

